Health & Training tips
Welcome to Health & Training Tips! My goal here is to share some of my 30-plus years of study and personal experience with you. After pre-med and athletic training, I also completed:
Masters in Oriental Medicine
Licensed Acupuncturist both Nationally and in the State of California
Certified in Clinical Nutrition
Post Graduate study in Meridian Stress Assessment
Certified Craniosacral Practitioner
Third Degree Reiki Master
Schulman Fascial Release Therapist
Certified in Fascial Movement Taping
Certified Qi Gong Instructor – 25 years’ experience
Black Belt in Aikido
I am dedicated to helping my patients achieve and maintain optimum good health, fitness and longevity. And now I’d like to help you too.
I believe that many of the questions and challenges I have faced are similar, if not identical to, your interests and/or concerns. I have always strived to push myself up to and eventually beyond any limitations physically and mentally -- to be the best I could possibly be, as an athlete and as a man.
My wife Sanda joins me in this intention, offering a well-rounded, holistic perspective on the “tips” that we will be sharing. Each month we will offer information, observations, and suggestions that have worked for us personally as well as for our patients and clients. You may need to adjust, modify or do more research on the information we share with you. Always (yes, here it comes) consult with your physician before starting any new nutritional protocol, exercise program or lifestyle change shared here.
Wishing you all the best in your pursuit of optimum health, fitness and longevity,
Frank & Sanda

May 2017
According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide.
Stress has become an everyday part of modern life. Each week we experience challenges that stress our bodies and our minds. Common results of too much stress over a long period of time are depleted adrenals and an over reactive, hyper vigilant nervous system.
We have a growing number of patients that come to us seeking relief from chronic stress that has caused fatigue and exhausted adrenals. Our holistic approach to supporting these patients and treating their stressed and depleted adrenals includes acupuncture, supplements and stress management counseling.
Sanda helps patients make healthy lifestyle changes through stress management counseling. Frank creates a program to support the body’s ability to handle daily stress. After a comprehensive intake he will prescribe a nutritional protocol tailored to the specific needs of each patient. We carry a number of top quality supplements that address both anxiety and stress.
Frank also recommends to his patients a simple and highly effective posture called the Adrenal Pose. Along with nutritional supplementation, the Adrenal Pose helps support and rebuild the adrenals. Below are instructions for how to do this easy and calming exercise.
The Adrenal Pose: Lie on the floor on your back with your thighs at 90 degrees to your stomach and your lower legs at 90 degrees to your thighs. You can use pillows, a couch, chair and even your bed to support your lower legs at a comfortable height. Place your hands on your belly (women with left hand on top, men with right hand on top). Breathe deeply (like a baby) ensuring that your lower abdomen fully goes in and out. Follow your breath. To help you create a rhythm, you can say this is me breathing in. This is me breathing out. When thoughts come up just let them go, and bring your attention back to your breath. Do this for 20 minutes twice a day.
When performed regularly over a period of time, this simple exercise will reset your adrenals and sympathetic nervous system.
To learn more about our Nutritional Counseling Services please contact us at www.osaniholistichealthcare.com.
Wishing you the best of health!

April 2017
We hear a lot these days about pollution. Toxins invade our air, soil and water. And the task of cleaning up our environment is becoming a priority. However, we don’t always think about the importance of purifying our bodies.
There are approximately 80,000 synthetic chemicals registered for use in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that hundreds of the chemicals are present in our bodies! Research has shown that many of these chemicals can disrupt our immune, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems.
Here are some examples of common external toxins that can harm our bodies:
Air and water pollutants
Cigarette smoke
Household cleaning products
Purification, also know as detoxification, can be essential to maintaining a strong, healthy body and a clear, sharp mind. In our practices, as well as our personal lives, we focus on health, fitness and longevity. Because we are exposed to toxins daily, externally and internally, a good detoxification program is a must for maintaining optimum physical and mental health.
We are frequently asked, “How do I know if I need a purification program?”
Below are some of the conditions that can occur from a toxic overload.
Fatigue and/or difficulty sleeping
Stuffy head
Digestion and other gastrointestinal problems
Reduced mental clarity
Food cravings and weight gain
Low libido
Although your body is designed to naturally rid itself of toxins, it can become overburdened. A good detox program offers your body the additional support needed to expel toxins and pollutants.
We have researched a number of detoxification programs and the best we have found, the one we use and prescribe to our patients and clients, is the Standard Process Purification Program. Because one size never fits all, there are eight different variations of the program. If you would like to learn more information and find out which program will best fit your individual needs, contact us at: www.osaniholistichealthcare.com or 310-454-4427.

March 2017
Last month we introduced the interval training method as a way to engage and stimulate all three muscle fibers by using short bursts of movement in a relatively short amount of time.
To ensure that you have a diverse workout schedule, it is important to be knowledgeable of various training techniques. This month, we want to share another method that is the polar opposite of interval training. But make no mistake; this technique will definitely take your workout to the next level! We call this training technique the Slow Burn.
The Slow Burn will challenge you mentally as well as physically. What we love about this technique is that, when done properly, you connect with and stimulate more muscle fibers than you ever thought possible. At the same time, you are less likely to strain or injure muscles, tendons and ligaments. Injury free training is what it is all about.
The Slow Burn technique can be done with almost any weight lifting movement. The only difference between a regular repetition and a Slow Burn repetition is the speed at which it is performed. A Slow Burn repetition is a 10 second concentric contraction (muscle shortens) followed by a 10 second eccentric contraction (muscle elongates).
By lifting weights in slower repetitions, you will challenge your muscles in a powerful new way. This is why it is best to go easy when first incorporating the Slow Burn technique into your workouts. The muscle burn can sometimes be intense, so you may need to reduce the weight and repetitions that you normally use for your routine.
After workouts, what we use to help rebuild our muscles and achieve peak performance are Whey Pro Complete and SP Complete by Standard Process. SP Complete also comes in Chocolate flavored, Vanilla flavored and Dairy Free options. Call Osani Holistic Health Care at (310) 454-4427 and find out how easy it is to become a member of Patient Direct by Standard Process for quick orders and delivery.
Happy Lifting!

February 2017
Interval training is a great way to boost your metabolism and improve your cardiovascular health. In as little as 20 to 25 minutes, you can complete a comprehensive whole-body workout that produces many benefits for your health and performance.
On the elliptical, do a preprogrammed routine called the Sprint 8 to engage both your upper and lower body. If you do not have access to an elliptical machine you can also perform this routine on a stationary or recumbent bike. This workout is not recommended to be performed on a treadmill. Here is an example of the Sprint 8 routine to get you started:
Warm up for 3-4 minutes.
Go all out for 30 seconds – Increase speed and go as fast as you can for 30 seconds.
90 second cruise – Slow down, reduce your speed significantly until you are moving at a comfortable and calming pace.
Repeat 2 and 3 for a total of 8 times.
Cool down for 3-4 minutes.
You only need to do this workout 1-2 times a week to reap the dramatic health benefits of interval training, which include:
Lower overall cholesterol level and improved ratios
Activated twitch muscle fibers (slow, fast, and super-fast)
Increased Human Growth Hormone (HGH) levels by 1200-1300% for women and up to 2000% for men; and
Improved cardiovascular endurance
Remember to hydrate by drinking plenty of water before and after your workout. To prepare your body for recovery, make sure you also stretch your muscles. Completing a cool down routine that includes hydration and stretching will help prevent soreness and injury (see our September post for tips about how to do an effective post-workout/cool down routine).

January 2017
We begin each new year with plans for positive change. We often make New Year’s resolutions and dream about being better only to find that, in time, we are right back into the old habits that we vowed to change. We end up feeling frustrated, disappointed and discouraged.
To successfully create positive change, begin with the 2 C’s: Commitment and Consistency. Together they form your circle of success.
To achieve your goals and dreams, you must be fully committed to them. Your commitment brings the energy and focus that you need to start, to continue, and to succeed. Draw on the energy of your strong commitment to establish and maintain a new action plan.
To complete your circle of success, establish consistency within your plan by scheduling daily, weekly and monthly activities that will take you closer to reaching your goal. Follow through on these activities to stay on track. The consistent effort that you put into your chosen intention over time will enable you to create your desired results.
It is not unusual to occasionally slip back into old habits. If you fall short of your new routine, remember that you are only one day away from returning to your chosen path. Commit to getting right back on track, and be aware of what pulled you off your goal so you can avoid it next time. By remaining consistent with your new routine, over time, your old unhealthy habits will be replaced with new healthy ones!
Below are a few reminders to support you in the process of remaining steady and persistent in the manifestation of your intended goals:
Don’t get stuck in wanting and trying. Set CLEAR INTENTIONS.
Be clear on your short term, as well as your long-term goals.
Pace yourself – remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Write out and organize a TO DO list.
Take 30 to 60 minutes each day to engage in activities that promote your success.
Learn about others who have been successful in achieving the same goals.
Engage a friend or family member who has similar intentions and is willing to support you in your process.

December 2016
Over the course of the last three months, we have learned about how consuming too much sugar increases our susceptibility to sports injury. As a nation, we are consuming 30% more sugar compared to 30 years ago. We should be aware that high sugar consumption is the leading cause of obesity in the US.
Now, we want to focus on how sugar directly impacts your health and well-being. Sugar feeds bacteria, viruses, candida, yeast, and cancer (see Sugar, Cancer’s Best Friend). As a result of consuming high amounts of sugar, you can experience dysregulation in your gut terrain. Simply put, sugar not only disrupts your body’s process for breaking down and absorbing essential nutrients, but it also weakens your immune system. This is a double whammy to your overall health!
Keep in mind that every organ in your body is connected. When one part is weakened or damaged, it can negatively affect other areas of your body, which in turn will impact your performance on the mat. An excellent way to help you monitor your health and address your nutritional needs is to have a clinical nutrition coach.
Remember, sugar is not your friend, so opt out whenever possible. Eat foods rich in protein, nutrients, and healthy fats, such as salmon, grass fed meats, organic poultry, greens, fresh fruit, and veggies.
We wish you every happiness in 2017. May it be a year of radiant good health and optimum fitness!

November 2016
In continuing our three-part series on sugar, part two further illustrates that sugar is not such a sweet story.
Besides setting you up for injury, as explained in October’s post, the over consumption of sugar creates insulin resistance, which is the cause of Metabolic Syndrome, a condition that can lead to obesity and ultimately type 2 diabetes. Yes, too much sugar makes us sick and fat!
Over the past three decades the adult consumption of sugar in the US has increased by 30%. The average American consumes 19.5 teaspoons of sugar daily. Both the World Health Organization and the American Heart Association recommends the following daily sugar intake levels:
6 teaspoons for women
9 teaspoons for men
3 to 6 teaspoons for children
Just one 12oz soda contains a whopping 10.2 teaspoons of sugar!
With the holidays upon us, we are tempted with sugar in just about every form imaginable. Cookies, candy, cakes, pies, and sweet drinks are everywhere! As you begin to reduce your sugar intake, it is important to understand that starting with a mental list of what you can’t have can cause feelings of deprivation, which often lead to binging.
It is best to navigate the holidays (and we mean Halloween through Valentine’s Day) with a clear intention of what you want...not what you can’t have. You are in control of what you eat and drink. You have the freedom to choose what you eat and drink and how you desire to fuel your body.
Here are some simple tips to help you stay/become healthy and fit through the holidays.
Fill up primarily on meats, poultry, fish (tempeh if you are vegetarian or vegan) and lots of good, deliciously prepared vegetables. You won’t be so hungry when it’s dessert time.
Sweet potatoes (minus the marshmallows) are very nutritious and can also satisfy sugar cravings.
If you are at a function that includes a lot of sugar-filled choices, then decide on the one that really appeals to you the most. Take a small portion, eat it slowly and enjoy every bite. When you are finished, feel good about yourself because you have had a treat without doing damage. Remember you are in control.
Small samplings and, whenever available, fresh fruit are always better choices than big portions of sugary desserts.
See sugar for what it really is: a highly addictive substance that, when consumed in large amounts, is more of a poison than a treat. Choose not to poison yourself. At the very least, the over consumption of sugar can leave you in a brain fog, bloated, and craving more sugar.
Next month we will share with you more about how sugar can wreak havoc on your body by causing dysregulation in multiple internal systems, such as the immune system, and ultimately lead to serious health conditions and diseases. See you back here soon!

October 2016
Did you know that consuming too much sugar can set you up for injury? I call them sugar injuries, and I see them more often around this time of year. The holiday season is filled with opportunities to consume more sugar than usual. From October to February, we're tempted at every turn to have candy, cookies, cakes, pies, alcohol, and other sweet treats and drinks.
Here is a typical scenario I experience quite often: A patient calls and says, “I woke up this morning, and I can’t move my neck.” There was no specific physical injury to justify their pain and stiffness, but somehow, they just woke up this way! When they come in to see me, one of the first questions I ask as part of my assessment is, how much sugar have you had recently? Common sources of sugar include fruit, cookies, cakes, candy, sodas, ice cream, mixed drinks, wine, breads, pastas, corn, cereals, etc. The usual answer is something like, “Yeah, I’ve had a lot of holiday cookies the last couple of days!”
How does a sugar injury happen? It can occur when too much sugar is consumed and your sugar consumption level has exceeded your body’s actual needs. When this happens, the excess sugar in your system looks for protein receptor sites. When the sugar finds the protein receptor sites, it locks on to them and form very rigid bonds to your muscle tissue. When you try and use the affected muscles, they just cannot function normally, making you susceptible to pain or injury during normal activities and exercise. Your muscles may feel stiff, painful, locked up, or knotted due to those rigid bonds. If you are an athlete and you try to use a muscle that is compromised like this, then you are more likely to strain or tear that muscle, making you unable to participate in your sport for several weeks.
Consuming too much sugar has all sorts of serious ramifications. Be sure to check back here for our November and December posts, as we will continue to delve into the adverse effects of sugar.

September 2016
In last month’s Health and Training Tips we talked about the importance of beginning and ending your training sessions with proper warm-up and cool down routines, focusing specifically on the pre-workout/warm-up. This month’s tips are about the post-workout/cool down.
First, remember that even though you are finished with your workout, you have not completed your training session. Your post-workout/cool down is extremely important, because, when done properly, it prepares the body for recovery, as well as helps prevent soreness and injury. If you experience soreness or pain, then we recommend T-Relief pain relief ointment. This stuff is really great for muscle, joint, and back pain!
The specific window of cool down opportunity typically lasts between 15 and 45 minutes. Your cool down routine should include rehydration, a series of stretches that addresses the main muscles used in your sport or workout, and relaxing the body and mind.
Some of our favorite stretches are:
Downward and Upward Dog
Runners Lunge
Achilles Stretch - Heel Drop
Hamstring Stretch
Shoulder Stretch
Yoga plough (this is an advanced move – not for everyone)
Stretching needs to be done at a slow pace and with focus. Do not over extend your muscles or bounce during stretching. Breathe deeply and move slowly into your stretch, then hold it for a count of 6 to 8 seconds before moving on to your next stretch. Repeat each stretch in your routine 3 to 4 times.
By creating proper warm-up and cool down routines you not only prevent injury, but also enhance and improve your overall performance!

August 2016
Some of the biggest mistakes athletes of all levels make are around pre- and post-warm up and cool down routines. This month we are going to focus on pre-workout, warming-up routines. They are often done improperly which can potentially be as damaging as not warming up at all.
To maximize performance, as well as help prevent injury, you must warm your core before participating in any athletic event, regardless of your age.
A common mistake many people make is to Static Stretch prior to an athletic event. Static Stretching is good, but only after your workout. This type of stretching prior to an athletic event can fatigue your muscles and set you up for an injury.
Instead, choose to:
Jog slowly
Do side shuffles
Jump rope
Any combination of the above movements
After doing this for approximately 10-15 minutes, you should produce a light sweat and be ready for any physical activity. This will loosen and lubricate muscles, tendons, ligaments and organs to prevent injury and prepare you for optimal performance.
Some of the supplements that best support healthy tendons and ligaments are: Ligaplex I and II, – and to keep swelling and inflammation down; Boswellia Complex.
Check back next month to learn more about the best ways to cool down after exercise.

July 2016
There is an old saying, “you are what you eat.”
You are what you eat is literally true. Nutrients from the foods you eat provide the foundation of the structure, function, and integrity of every little cell in your body, from your skin and hair to your muscles, bones, digestive and immune systems, and your brain.
Yes, what you fuel your body with, for better or worse, fuels your brain too. Your strength, endurance, ability to focus and perform are all affected by what you put in your stomach. So, it makes good sense to be smart and well informed about your food and drink choices.
Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts - basic Choose and Avoid guidelines for the best way to fuel your body and mind:
Fresh and organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible
Raw/uncooked foods with at least one meal a day – salads, fruit, blended green drink etc.
Healthy saturated fats such as avocados, grass-fed butter, coconut oil
Lots of pure water every day
Whole grains like rice, oats and quinoa
Snacks such as raw nuts and seeds, hummus, and fresh fruit
Lean meat or fish – limit to one meal a day – try eggs for another meal.
Read labels; make sure you know what is in your food
Fresh food = good fuel
Canned fruits (which contain too much sugar) and canned vegetables whenever possible
Don’t combine sugars and proteins - desserts, fruits, etc. are best eaten several hours after a meal or between meals.
Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)
Preservatives and food coloring
Trans fats
Fast & over processed foods = bad fuel
To improve a poor appetite, normalize excessive appetite, or lose weight, eliminate gluten, sugar and starches from your diet for three to four months.
The less sugar and refined carbohydrates and the more fresh veggies you eat, the healthier you will become.
For more information and details regarding how to create a nutritional program tailored especially for your individual needs contact us at www.osaniholistichealthcare.com

June 2016
When it comes to training and fitness, one size never fits all. Different things work for different people at different times. There is however one thing that is essential for all of us in achieving optimum health and fitness…KNOW YOUR OWN METABOLISM!
By this we mean develop a clear and honest understanding of how your body works and what it needs to work best. This includes how you feel in general, your energy levels, mental clarity and overall health in response to what you eat and drink, your sleep patterns, exercise/workout routine and lifestyle. Ask yourself, “Am I thriving?” – living at peak performance, or “Am I surviving?” – just getting by.
By becoming aware of what best supports your body and your unique metabolism in terms of nutrition, exercise and life style, you can then make the best choices for a training routine that will give you your desired results.