Welcome to Health & Training Tips! My goal here is to share some of my 30-plus years of study and personal experience with you. In addition to completing pre-med and athletic training, my credentials include:
Masters in Oriental Medicine
Licensed Acupuncturist both Nationally and in the State of California
Certified in Clinical Nutrition
Post Graduate study in Meridian Stress Assessment
Certified Craniosacral Practitioner
Third Degree Reiki Master
Schulman Fascial Release Therapist
Certified in Fascial Movement Taping
Certified Qi Gong Instructor – 25 years’ experience
Black Belt in Aikido
I am dedicated to helping my patients achieve and maintain optimum health, fitness and longevity. And I’d like to help you too.
I believe that many of the questions and challenges I have faced are similar, if not identical, to your interests and/or concerns. I have always strived to push myself up to, and eventually, beyond physical and mental limitations to be the best I could possibly be, as an athlete and as a man.
My wife Sanda joins me in this intention, offering a well-rounded, holistic perspective on the "tips” that we share here. Each month, we will offer information, observations, and suggestions that have worked for us personally, as well as for our patients and clients. You may need to adjust, modify or do more research on the information we share with you. Always (yes, here it comes) consult with your physician before starting any new nutritional protocol, exercise program or lifestyle change shared here.
Wishing you all the best in your pursuit of optimum health, fitness and longevity!
Frank & Sanda