How to Stay on Track with Your Goals in the New Year

We begin each new year with plans for positive change. We often make New Year’s resolutions and dream about being better only to find that, in time, we are right back into the old habits that we vowed to change. We end up feeling frustrated, disappointed and discouraged.
To successfully create positive change, begin with the 2 C’s: Commitment and Consistency. Together they form your circle of success.
To achieve your goals and dreams, you must be fully committed to them. Your commitment brings the energy and focus you need to start, to continue, and to succeed. Draw on the energy of your strong commitment to establish and maintain a new action plan.
To complete your circle of success, establish consistency within your plan by scheduling daily, weekly and monthly activities that will take you closer to reaching your goal. Follow through on these activities to stay on track. The consistent effort that you put into your chosen intention over time will enable you to create your desired results.
It is not unusual to occasionally slip back into old habits. If you fall short of your new routine, remember that you are only one day away from returning to your chosen path. Commit to getting right back on track, and be aware of what pulled you off your goal so you can avoid it next time. By remaining consistent with your new routine, over time, your old unhealthy habits will be replaced with new healthy ones!
Below are a few reminders to support you in the process of remaining steady and persistent in the manifestation of your intended goals.
Don’t get stuck in wanting and trying. CLEAR INTENTIONS.
Be clear on your short term, as well as your long-term goals.
Pace yourself. Remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Write out and organize a To Do List.
Take 30 to 60 minutes each day to engage in activities that promote your success.
Learn about others who have been successful in achieving the same goals.
Engage a friend or family member who has similar intentions and is willing to support you in your process.
As you begin your path toward achieving your goals for the new year, this can also be an ideal time to cleanse and rebalance your system. The 21-day Purification Product Kits can help you start the process of eliminating toxins, maintaining a healthy weight, and improving your overall health. To learn more about purification kits and how to get yours, contact us at (310) 454-4427. We wish you a happy and successful new year!